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Contact Lenses

Find the right fit for your eyes at Eye and Sight Center.

Do you need vision correction but don’t want to wear eyeglasses full-time? Contact lenses are a great option for almost anyone.

We offer a wide selection at our office, and our experienced team of eye care professionals can help you find the right contacts for you.

Call or click to schedule your appointment.

What are my options?

There are many contact lens options available. Your eye care provider will take your lifestyle and vision correction needs into consideration when helping you select the right lenses for your eyes.

Here are some of the most common contact lens types:

  • Hard contact lenses – Hard contact lenses are rigid gas permeable. This means that they are porous enough to allow oxygen to enter through to the cornea. Hard contact lenses keep their shape on the eye. As such, they are sometimes recommended to curb the progression of nearsightedness in younger wearers.
  • Soft contact lenses – Soft contact lenses are popular because they are very comfortable for the wearer. Soft contact lenses don’t “pop out” the way hard lenses occasionally might. Soft lenses are appropriate to correct near and farsightedness and astigmatism.
  • Disposable soft contact lenses – Intended to be worn for a short time, to help prevent allergic reactions or bacterial infections in sensitive wearers. Disposable lenses are also appropriate for children who might not take excellent care when cleaning their lenses.
  • Extended wear contact lenses – Extended wear contact lenses are designed to be worn constantly for long periods of time – up to a week. They do need to be deep cleaned weekly, however. Unlike all other lenses, extended wear contacts can be worn while sleeping. The lens type allows sufficient oxygen to reach the eye for health.
  • Daily wear contact lenses – Most contact lenses are daily wear. That is they are worn all day and then removed at night for cleaning. These lenses generally last until their given expiration date, at which point they must be discarded and replaced because the lens material begins to break down.
  • Colored contact lenses – These are worn to enhance or completely change the visual color of the iris. They are still prescription contact lenses, however, and need to be treated with the same care you would give to regular lenses. Many — but not all — brands of contact lens companies offer colored lens options.

Need a prescription?

We do that too! Eye and Sight Center offers comprehensive eye exams at our office. In addition to assessing your visual acuity, your eye care provider will examine your eye health and function.

Regardless of the type of contact lenses you wear, an annual eye exam is recommended to ensure the continued good health of your eyes. Schedule an appointment for an assessment and advice at the Eye & Sight Center in Voorhees or Woodbury Heights, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Care & Replacement

Free doorstep delivery for your contact lenses with [abby]Like Rx drugs, contact lenses are prescribed by your eye doctor for a specific lens material (polymer, curvature, diameter, O2 etc) according to each patient’s needs. Like Rx drugs, different contact lenses have different characteristics and are NOT interchangeable between different classes or brands. Penicillin is NOT the same as Ciprofloxacin even though both are antibiotics.

Like Rx drugs, contact lens prescriptions EXPIRE usually at 1 year. When you are placing a foreign object in your eye on a daily basis, it is common sense for that prescription medical device to be evaluated by your eye doctor ONCE PER YEAR. This is true even if you have no symptoms and you are satisfied with your vision. Serious complications CAN and DO occur with simple contact lens wear and the purpose is to both prevent problems and maximize the quality of your vision rather than fixing damage once it begins.

CONVENIENT: Order online here and your lenses will be shipped directly to your home or office! We work with ALL available lenses on the market and most are ready for immediate shipping! (except for custom lenses, of course)

COMPETITIVE: Our lens prices are specifically set to be competitive with other online retailers so you have the confidence that you are getting your lenses at a good and fair price. We don’t engage in deceptive retail advertising to trick you into what appears to be a low price only to have additional handling, shipping or other fees added later.

COMPLIANT: We ensure that your contact lens order is consistent with what your doctor has prescribed. If you need an appointment either for a problem or for your annual examination, we will assist you right away. Like Rx drugs, it is ILLEGAL to dispense/sell contact lenses that are inconsistent with your eye doctor’s prescription and ILLEGAL to refill a prescription past its’ expiration date. Unfortunately, this happens frequently by retailers whose only interest/business is selling boxes.

CARE: We care about your eyes, your sight and your family and we care about you receiving the contact lenses you need. We are as convenient and competitive as other sources but we also provide proper prescription compliance so that you continue to be safe and see your best both today and for years to come!

Shop for Eye Care Products Online

Buy your favorite contact lenses and other eye care products in our online store. Clear vision has never been easier.

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