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12 Steps for getting a Pharmacy COVID-19 shot

Before you go:

  • Check your eligibility for the vaccine at your local health department’s COVID-19 website. Criteria can vary by state, county, city or territory. Pharmacies must stick to those criteria.
  • Find a pharmacy that offers the vaccine by checking your local health department’s COVID-19 website.
  • Make an appointment online or through a vaccine-specific phone line. COVID-19 vaccines are not available on a walk-in basis.
  • Inform the pharmacy of any special needs, including those related to hearing, sight, physical disabilities or language of choice.
  • Gather any needed documents (for example, proof of residency) to bring to the pharmacy.
  • Wear clothing that gives easy access to your upper arm.

At the Pharmacy:

  • Wear a well-fitted mask that covers your nose and mouth or double mask. Stay at least six feet away from others.
  • Be patient. Pharmacy staff are also caring for patients needing prescriptions, other vaccines and health advice.
  • Pharmacies are given vaccines by the government. No specific vaccine brand requests (for example, Moderna, Pfizer) may be made.
  • Stay for 15 minutes, or as advised, to be monitored for allergic reactions.
  • Schedule a second vaccine dose, if needed, at the same pharmacy.
  • Go to to sign up for the V-SAFE phone app to get personalized health check-ins and report any vaccine side effects
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